What’s my user name?
Your log in name is your email address that you used to set up your account
I have forgotten my password, what should I do?
Simply click on the “Forgot password” tab on the log in screen and set a new password
Do I get a certificate once I complete the course?
You certainly do! You will be issued a certificate on completion of your course. You will find your certificate in your learner dashboard on your learner portal. You can email us at training@mindgrown.com.au if you have any issues at all.
I did not get my certificate
Please check your learner dashboard, as your certificate will be sitting there for you. If you still have issues, please email us at training@mindgrown.com.au and we will make sure you get one.
What if I can’t finish in the time allocated?
Your course is available for 6 months from your commencement date. You will gain the most from your course by completing it in this time frame. If there is an exceptional circumstance and you cannot finish the course in this period, please email us at training@mindgrown.com.au to discuss.
Do I get any course materials?
Most of our courses have downloadable content included. Your course overview will tell you if there are course materials for your use.
Can I ask any questions during the course?
Most of our courses are self paced and online only, therefore, the ability to ask questions during the course is not available. However, we offer you the opportunity to ask questions in your feedback form which will be personally answered by one of our trainers within 3 business days.
What if there is a glitch and I cannot finish the course?
We are sorry if this has happened to you! Your progress should be automatically saved, and you can log out and log back in again. However, if you continue to have problems, email us on training@mindgrown.com.au and we will get things moving for you! Our refund policy will cover you if you cannot finish the course and it is due to a technical glitch that cannot be fixed.
Is this course accredited?
Our course is non-accredited. What does this mean? On completion of this course, you will receive a certificate from Mind Grown, however the course has no connection to an external accreditation or professional body. Non-accredited course focuses on developing the student with a targeted skillset. Although our course is not accredited, you will learn the skills and knowledge you require to feel confident to undertake this role. There are no accredited specific Recovery Coaching courses in Australia currently.

Our course is non-accredited. What does this mean? On completion of this course, you will receive a certificate from Mind Grown, however the course has no connection to an external accreditation or professional body. Non-accredited course focuses on developing the student with a targeted skillset. Although our course is not accredited, you will learn the skills and knowledge you require to feel confident to undertake this role. There are no accredited specific Recovery Coaching courses in Australia currently.