I completed the Mind Grown Support Coordination course having already completed several other well known training programs and I really enjoyed the fact that this is a self-paced program with ongoing access that I can continually refer back to. The resources and templates included were also great value.
As someone who is new to Support Coordination this course was a great learning tool. So many different area's of Support Coordination were covered, including "what not to do" which made the course feel genuine and not sugar coated.
Brodie and Shelley are both amazing and very knowledgeable within the NDIS industry. I just completed the Achieving Support Coordination Excellence and I feel like everyone starting a role as Support Coordinator or Recovery Coach ( as i find these two roles so similar ) should complete these course. It was done so effortlessly, great set up and case studies and lots of amazing free templates and resources. Thank you
Great work, really well thought out and planned, very comprehensive coverage of the role.
Having come from working as a Clinical Nurse Consultant for a nursing company, by doing the Achieving Support Coordination Excellence has equipped me with the right skills to be able to confidently and competently become a Support Coordinator.
The wealth of knowledge from Mind Grown via online study and via their community FB page has been such a comfort as I navigate the SC/PRC world. I’m so thankful to have such amazing resources so accessible!
I found this course to be a goldmine of information that I have been looking for since recently becoming a Support Coordinator.
Not only does it lay out the broad context and requirements of NDIS service provision. It also helps to equip learners with the skills, knowledge and reflective approach necessary to skillfully fulfill the role.
So much 'nuts and bolts' information necessary to the role was shared along with templates, links and so on.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us!
The Mind Grown training course, 'Achieving Support Coordination Excellence' has been the best foundational course I have attended as a rookie in the role of NDIS Support Coordination. It has equipped me with a professional framework & practical tools I can put into practice immediately. I would recommend it for Support Coordinators just starting out and those with less than 12 months experience in the role.
Having 30+ years experience as a carer and parent, and working with a support provider, I thought I had a fairly solid knowledge base. This course showed me how to use my knowledge and tailor it to the support coordination role. The role is quite unique in being the connection between funding becoming support. I believe the course has helped clarify the support coordination role and what is required for those working in this specific field.
I wish this course had been available when I started support coordination - having completed 2 other SC courses, that left me feeling I'd missed something, this course uses simple language and is easy to understand. Layout is interesting and bright. I would definitely recommend the Mind Grown Support Coordination course to anyone considering support coordination
The "Achieving Support Coordination Excellence" course was excellent! The content and explanations were great, the training structure was intuitive and interactive, and the in-depth knowledge provided by the content creators was invaluable. The skills and knowledge I have gained in this course will set me up to provide the best support possible to NDIS participants. I would highly recommend this course to all support coordinators whether you are seasoned or just starting out on your knowledge journey.
I have taken a tonne of notes, which has formed my new bible, and I will always be referring back to this. Here are a few summary points;
The content was comprehensive and covered all aspects of support coordination.
The explanations were clear and easy to understand.
The training structure was well-designed and kept me engaged.
The content creators were clearly knowledgeable and experienced, and shared a passion for helping people.
The in-depth knowledge provided by the trainers was invaluable.
The skills and knowledge I have gained in this course will set me up to provide the best support possible to NDIS participants.